Now that I've brought my blog up to speed, I'd like to share my story about how Zija has changed my life and my kid's lives.
My previous posts talk about my struggles with weight and PMDD along with all the changes I had made that didn't do much do stop these only supressed them. My son was struggling with behavioral issues and having trouble staying focused and retaining information at school. He was in trouble a lot. He and I could not communicate. His daddy and him did not have the best relationship because it was mostly negative discussion, nothing against my husband but more our son really not caring about his actions and not thinking before acting or speaking. He didn't really care about his school work so his didn't put a lot of time or effort into it. He and I had horrible home work experiences. He broke down into temper tantrums a lot. He lost his self control over silly stuff. He would literally break down and throw a fit, slam things around and go crazy over me telling him a problem was incorrect. Life was tough. Tack on my hormonal issues and we have a recipe for disaster. It was horrible. Something had to change and fast.
In my last post I talked about my recent switch to Zija. Now I want to share my story about how Zija has changed all of those struggles for me and helped me in ways I never thought was possible. I also would like to share how it's changed my son in ways I thought were impossible.
From the date I started, 11/28/12, to now, I'm down a total of 10lbs. YAY!! I feel so much better, I'm clearer minded, I feel less stressed, I have energy again, I don't feel hungry all the time, my sugar levels are more controlled, I wish I could list everything but I'm sure I'm missing somethiing. My son is a totally different child. Home work is so much easier these days. We can communicate. His attitude towards everything is so much better. He actually cares about his grades in school. He gets agravated and mad, who doesn't some times, but he can control himself. No more fits. As a matter of fact, the last parent/teacher conference I had a few weeks back was the best one in 3 years. That's right 3 years. Why? Because his teacher told me he is the most improved child in her class. My child who had major behavioral issues back before Christmas is now the most improved child in class. WOW.
Before Zija, my son had what the school system call an I.E.P. Basically an assistant from the special education dept. would come in his classroom and help any child who struggled with attention or understanding their lessons. This I.E.P. he is assigned comes over to him if he needs help reading a question or she would explain what the question meant so he could answer it correctly. He also had a lot of modifications in class. If his math test had 30 questions on it, he may only have to 20. And so on.
At the parent/teacher conference I was also told his modifications were being cut down. Now the only time he has anyone help him is if he asks for it. And even then, it is very little. He is doing most of his work on his own and very little is being taken away as far as the amount of work he is being asked to do. So far, he is handling it great. Before he would be sent out in the hall with his I.E.P. to take tests so they would be read aloud to him and other students in need without disrupting the rest of the class. Now, he is staying in the classroom and reading the tests to himself. I call that a huge success.
At this conference when she told me these awesome advancements in his progress I specifically ask her when she notices these changes. She told me right before Christmas. HELLO ZIJA :) There is not doubt for either of us, Zija has saved our lives.
So now I am sharing my story to anyone and everyone who will give me the time. That is why I'm updating this blog. I want to share my story with the world one person or a thousand at a time which ever happens.
I know there are many out there who could read these posts and shake their heads in agreement and relate to much of what I'm posting. That is why sharing this is so important to me. I know many more could be affected by this.
I plan to continue to share. This blog is now going to be my continued journey into better health and wealth for myself and my family. I want to help as many as I can by sharing my story.
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